I find myself, asking myself more and more questions these days. As of lately, the only question that has been in my mind is, "what is the GoodLife "? Our many business ventures are centered around the idea of experiencing something unique......something above what the majority of people will experience in this life, a life of opportunity, a life of grandeur, a life without limitations.......life itself-The GoodLife. Again, what is the GoodLife?
Before all of this began (iamgoodlife, goodlife reservations, the goodlife gateway united foundation) my partner and I came to the realization that unless we did something unorthodox, something new, and stepped out on the limb to launch our companies, we would probably end up like everyone else.......living a life of struggle. We didn't want that, and we refuse to live like that. We understand the fact that we all struggle, and yes, there is beauty in overcoming obstacles, but is life really good when your life is just a constant struggle?
Now that goes beyond just finances.......that includes your relationships, business life, social life even spiritual life. For us the GoodLife started out as an idea of living a life that is financially independent, and socially limitless. It has now birthed into something so much more.......it has sparked a new culture and started to breed a widespread incontinent with mediocrity.
The GoodLife is not just an idea or a dream to be talked about anymore- it is a life that people are striving for, working for, and can live. That is what the GoodLife is to us. Living a life of no limitations because you know you can accomplish anything, living a life above average and not below, and being better not worse.
Our goal is not just to put you on "game".....but to put you on "life" a life that you can have.........a life that's good. Do something different, be yourself, set goals and don't talk about this life, figure out a way to live it.........IAmGoodLife- what are you?
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